swagger: '2.0' info: title: Harvesting window API production description: Harvesting window API version: 1.0.0 host: api.harvesting-window.cropio.com securityDefinitions: # This section configures basic authentication with an API key. api_key: type: apiKey name: key in: query security: - api_key: [ ] definitions: FieldGeometry: type: object description: GeoJSon geometry of a single field. Polygon and MultiPolygon are supported discriminator: type required: - type properties: type: type: string enum: - Polygon - MultiPolygon description: the geometry type Point3D: type: array description: Point in 3D space minItems: 2 maxItems: 3 items: type: number Polygon: type: object description: GeoJSon geometry allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/FieldGeometry" - properties: coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Point3D' MultiPolygon: type: object description: GeoJSon geometry allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/FieldGeometry" - properties: coordinates: type: array items: type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Point3D' SowingDate: type: string description: Sowing date in ISO format (%Y-%m-%d) Date: type: string description: Prediction date in ISO format (%Y-%m-%d) Crop: type: string description: Field crop name HistoricalDataElement: type: array description: Date in ISO format (%Y-%m-%d) and Value items: {} example: - "%date (in %Y-%m-%d format)" - number FullSoilMoistureDataElement: type: array description: Date in ISO format (%Y-%m-%d) and Value items: { } example: - "%date (in %Y-%m-%d format)" - [number, number, number, number] FullWeatherDataElement: type: object description: Date as key and snow, wind_speed, precipitation, temperature_max, temperature_min, temperature_mean as value items: {} example: {"%date (in %Y-%m-%d format)": { "snow": 0.16, "wind_speed": 3.04, "precipitation": 0.0, "temperature_max": 2.74, "temperature_min": -1.95, "temperature_mean": 0.89 }} WeatherDataElement: type: object description: Date as key and {'growth_degree_days:' number, 'accumulated_precipitation:' number} as value items: { } example: { "%date (in %Y-%m-%d format)": { growth_degree_days: value, accumulated_precipitation: value } } NdviValues: type: array description: Historical data for model (ndvi_values). Could be empty array. items: $ref: '#/definitions/HistoricalDataElement' SoilMoisture: type: array description: Historical data for model (soil_moisture_values). Could be empty array. items: $ref: '#/definitions/HistoricalDataElement' FullSoilMoisture: type: array description: Historical data for model (soil_moisture_values). Could be empty array. items: $ref: '#/definitions/FullSoilMoistureDataElement' WeatherData: type: array description: Weather data items: $ref: '#/definitions/WeatherDataElement' FullWeatherData: type: array description: Full weather data (with snow, wind speed, precipitation and temperature) items: $ref: '#/definitions/FullWeatherDataElement' StagesUpdate: type: object description: Data to apply client stage corrections items: {} example: {"%stage_name": "date in %Y-%m-%d format"} Scale: type: string description: Scale for growth stages V2 HarwestingWindowRequestItem: type: object properties: shape: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldGeometry' sowing_date: $ref: '#/definitions/SowingDate' ndvi_values: $ref: '#/definitions/NdviValues' soil_moisture: $ref: '#/definitions/SoilMoisture' weather_data: $ref: '#/definitions/WeatherData' date: $ref: '#/definitions/Date' crop: $ref: '#/definitions/Crop' required: - shape - sowing_date - crop - ndvi_values - soil_moisture - weather_data HarwestingWindowBatchRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/HarwestingWindowRequestItem' GrainMoistureRequestItem: type: object properties: year: type: integer shape: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldGeometry' sowing_date: $ref: '#/definitions/SowingDate' harvesting_date: $ref: '#/definitions/Date' variety: type: string description: "something of the following: [SY_CHORINTOS,SY_PREMEO,SY_FENOMEN,SY_FORTAGO,SY_SCORPIUS,SY_TELIAS,SY_TALISMAN,SY_ENERMAX,SY_IMPULSE,SY_ROTANGO,SY_IGNIS,SY_ANDROMEDA,SY_MARIMBA,SY_OZONE,NK_FALKONE,SY_AMBADOR,SY_KARDONA,EVORA,SY_INVICTUS,SY_ABELARDO,SY_HIKARI,SY_UNITOP]" ndvi_values: $ref: '#/definitions/NdviValues' soil_moisture: $ref: '#/definitions/SoilMoisture' required: - year - shape - sowing_date - harvesting_date GrainMoistureBatchRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureRequestItem' GrowthStagesRequestItem: type: object properties: shape: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldGeometry' sowing_date: $ref: '#/definitions/SowingDate' crop: $ref: '#/definitions/Crop' ndvi_values: $ref: '#/definitions/NdviValues' soil_moisture: $ref: '#/definitions/SoilMoisture' weather_data: $ref: '#/definitions/WeatherData' stages_update: $ref: '#/definitions/StagesUpdate' required: - shape - sowing_date - crop - ndvi_values - soil_moisture - weather_data GrowthStagesRequestItemV2: type: object properties: shape: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldGeometry' sowing_date: $ref: '#/definitions/SowingDate' crop: $ref: '#/definitions/Crop' ndvi_values: $ref: '#/definitions/NdviValues' soil_moisture: $ref: '#/definitions/FullSoilMoisture' weather_data: $ref: '#/definitions/FullWeatherData' stages_update: $ref: '#/definitions/StagesUpdate' scale: $ref: '#/definitions/Scale' required: - shape - sowing_date - crop - ndvi_values - soil_moisture - weather_data GrowthStagesBatchRequest: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesRequestItem' GrowthStagesBatchRequestV2: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesRequestItemV2' ModelsInfoResponseItem: type: object properties: crop_name: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemMeta' SingeResponseItem: type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemError' prediction: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemPrediction' meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemMeta' GrowthStagesBatchResponseItem: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesResponseItem' metas: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MetasItem' GrowthStagesBatchResponseItemV2: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesResponseItemV2' GrainMoistureBatchResponseItem: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureResponseItem' metas: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MetasItem' BatchResponseItem: type: object properties: items: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponseItem' metas: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MetasItem' ResponseItem: type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemError' prediction: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemPrediction' meta_ref: type: string description: Model uuid GrowthStagesResponseItem: type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemError' prediction: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesItemPrediction' meta_ref: type: string description: Model uuid GrainMoistureResponseItem: type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemError' prediction: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureItemPrediction' meta_ref: type: string description: Model uuid example: {"error":"","prediction":{"grain_moisture":22.126509190987818},"meta":{"name":"grain_moisture","uuid":"ede33314-c9ad-47ce-92f5-93d34c89be91","version":"v.1.0.0"}} GrowthStagesResponseItemV2: type: object properties: error: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemError' prediction: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesItemPredictionV2' meta_ref: type: string description: Model uuid ItemError: type: string description: Describe error in case if item cant be processed ItemPrediction: type: object properties: ytd: type: number description: Year to date for prediction GrowthStagesItemPrediction: type: object properties: stages_ytd: type: object description: Stages name and day of year where stage was firstly appeared example: {00_sd: 100, 01_01: 105} stages_date: type: object description: Stages name and date where stage was firstly appeared example: {00_sd: "2020-04-09", 01_01: "2020-04-14"} GrainMoistureItemPrediction: type: object properties: grain_moisture: type: number description: Grain moisture prediction for specified harvesting_date in terms of given crop information example: 22.126509190987818 GrowthStagesItemPredictionV2: type: object properties: stages_date: type: object description: Stages name and date where stage was firstly appeared example: { "05_stage": "2021-09-04", "07_stage": "2021-09-16" } ItemMeta: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Model name uuid: type: string description: Model uuid version: type: string description: Model version scale: type: array description: Supported scale items: type: string scale_name: type: string description: Scale internal name model_val_info: type: object description: Model validation information MetasItem: type: object properties: meta_ref: $ref: '#/definitions/ItemMeta' parameters: field_harvest_window_request: in: body name: body description: Single field to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/HarwestingWindowRequestItem' fields_batch_harvest_window_request: in: body name: body description: Fields batch to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/HarwestingWindowBatchRequest' field_growth_stages_request: in: body name: body description: Single field to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesRequestItem' fields_batch_growth_stages_request: in: body name: body description: Fields batch to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesBatchRequest' field_grain_moisture_request: in: body name: body description: Single field to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureRequestItem' fields_batch_grain_moisture_request: in: body name: body description: Fields batch to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureBatchRequest' field_growth_stages_request_v2: in: body name: body description: Single field to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesRequestItemV2' fields_batch_growth_stages_request_v2: in: body name: body description: Fields batch to predict harvest window schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesBatchRequestV2' schemes: - https produces: - application/json x-google-backend: address: https://harvesting-window-production-5do5evgt4a-ew.a.run.app protocol: h2 deadline: 300 # this is the CloudRun default value paths: /api/v1/harvesting_window/predict: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for a single field operationId: apiV1HarvestWindowPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/field_harvest_window_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SingeResponseItem' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity. Error field in the Item will be not null schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SingeResponseItem' /api/v1/harvesting_window/predict/batch: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for fields batch operationId: apiV1HarvestWindowBatchPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fields_batch_harvest_window_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BatchResponseItem' /api/v1/growth_stages/predict: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for a single field operationId: apiV1GrowthStagesPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/field_growth_stages_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesResponseItem' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity. Error field in the Item will be not null schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SingeResponseItem' /api/v1/growth_stages/predict/batch: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for fields batch operationId: apiV1GrowthStagesBatchPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fields_batch_growth_stages_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesBatchResponseItem' /api/v1/grain_moisture/predict: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction of grain moisture for specified harvest_date with given field information operationId: apiV1GrainMoisturePredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/field_grain_moisture_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureResponseItem' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity. Error field in the Item will be not null schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SingeResponseItem' /api/v1/grain_moisture/predict/batch: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction of grain moisture for specified harvest_date's with given field's information operationId: apiV1GrainMoistureBatchPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fields_batch_grain_moisture_request' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrainMoistureBatchResponseItem' /api/v1/growth_stages/models: get: description: Returns information about V1 models operationId: apiV1GetModelsInfo responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ModelsInfoResponseItem' /api/v2/growth_stages/predict: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for a single field operationId: apiV2GrowthStagesPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/field_growth_stages_request_v2' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesResponseItemV2' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity. Error field in the Item will be not null schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SingeResponseItem' /api/v2/growth_stages/predict/batch: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns prediction for fields batch operationId: apiV2GrowthStagesBatchPredict parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/fields_batch_growth_stages_request_v2' responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GrowthStagesBatchResponseItemV2' /api/v2/growth_stages/models: get: description: Returns information about V2 models operationId: apiV2GetModelsInfo responses: '200': description: Successful response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ModelsInfoResponseItem'